


      HDK 电动车  英文名称 HDK ELECTRIC VEHICLES,是一个定位于“绿色贵族之选”的美国新能源汽车品牌。自创立之初,通过接轨国际流行趋势,融入商务人士的特质,在保留了商务、旅游品味享受的基础上不断的革新与升华,让您充分领略产品和环境合一的尽善尽美,强调自然与舒适,完美体现了个性享乐与运筹帷幄的优雅结合。HDK 突出优雅,富有个性特色的绿色产品,迎合商务、旅游场所的发展潮流,亦适合社区场所使用。如今,HDK通过设计师独特的创新理念,以优良的制造工艺,及其独有的创新元素,运用于中国。
      HDK electric vehicle is the new exciting brand for Green energy car in United States, in which we position ourselves as “The Choice of the Royal Green Energy”. Since the beginning, HDK have been using the most advance technology to produce Electric Vehicles to assist our customer to feel the sense of pleasure of upper class, and retaining the enjoyment of blending into the environment. We aim not only to produce Electric Vehicle with the trend of the market, but intend to lead the market into a new trend towards a perfect combination of commercial and environmental friendly vehicle. HDK vehicle have the distinction of elegance, comfort and safety to be presented in different venue and occasion, it is the very reason HDK vehicle is the most popular Electric vehicle in China, with the unique and innovational idea of design, excellent workmanship with exclusive creative element. 
      HDK was founded in 2006, is one of the world‘s largest electric vehicle production enterprises, with the USA advanced electric vehicle technology and accessories, is one of the most influential brand in USA, by French designer participate in creating,and LSV road quality. So far, there have been 50000 HDK golf cart, electric sightseeing cars and electric utility vehicle running around the world, a large number of users by the recognition and favor. The company has strong R & D design ability, strict management and quality control system, its outstanding quality has been leading the electric car industry. Today, HDK rich product line for the golf course, scenic spots, hotels, parks, community, airports, schools, real estate and business places, provide various models of vehicles. At the same time, in the world has more than 100 professional dealers, wholeheartedly provides the high-quality service for the customer.

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